Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day 1

Today was the first gathering of the Jeff City Tuesday Thursday 5:30a.m. Running Group. Long name, but at least we know when we meet! Five of us showed up to run -- and we had one oversleeper (*cough*dulce*cough*). Not bad for a start-up! 

The alarm going off at 4:45 was not a pleasant experience, but running while the sun comes up makes summer training MUCH easier. Don't know why I didn't think of this earlier... oh, right -- I like to sleep!

Covered 3.75 miles in 45 minutes, putting me right at a 12 minute mile this morning. Not too bad for being out there before God is awake... =0)

Note to self: forgetting to stretch after running is a BAD plan. I can feel my legs getting stiff. Oops!